On behalf of the European Federation for Colposcopy and the Finnish Colposcopy Society we invite you to join us in the 9th European Congress of Colposcopy on 8-11th June 2022.
The EFC was formed 23 years ago with the aims of improving the standards of colposcopy and increasing the equality of all women in the prevention of cervical cancer throughout Europe. It is a federation of 38 national colposcopy societies and is uniquely placed to both influence and represent European colposcopists. Over this time, in addition to holding large triennial scientific meetings and many European courses, the EFC has developed influential training guidelines and clinical performance quality standards. These have been achieved through effective collaboration and regular focused satellite meetings that have generated a number of published reports and scientific papers.
The 9th EFC Congress program includes three day meeting with three parallel sessions. One of the session lines is concentrating in scientific progress, the second in clinical topics and the third in vulvar, vaginal and microbiome topics as well in medico-legal issues. The speakers from over 25 different EFC countries are all at the top in their field. The program is very versatile with topics from HPV vaccines to screening, CIN management, genetics, but also sessions with interactive cases.
We will also have five Free Communication sessions for oral presentations selected from the abstracts the participants will send to the Congress. The highest scoring abstract will be awarded the prof. Ulli Petry prize in honor of EFC’s former president. In the pre-congress courses on Wednesday 8th June, we will offer a six hours EFC Colposcopy Basic Course as well as a Training the Trainers Course.
Welcome to the 9th European Congress of Colposcopy!
Pekka Nieminen M.D., Ph.D,
President, EFC and 9th EFC Congress